Thursday, October 22, 2009

Have You Ever Worked With The Public???

It is such an emotional rollercoaster working with the public. You have great days were every customer loves you and then you have those days were it seems like every customer hates you.

Well, this blog is going to tell the stories of people working with the public in every different type of field or situation. It doesn't matter if you are in dentistry, physician, lifeguarding, car sales, retail, teaching, stocks, and etc. if you work with the public. I want to hear about it and post the stories that you tell me. I think there are so many great stories out there that will bring you laughter, tears, and a whirlwind of emotions to the table.

I don't want any company names or any peoples names because I don't want anyone to be embarrassed or humiliated in any way. I just want to know what field you are in. Looking forward to hearing many of stories.

Thank you,



  1. Fantastic idea!! Love it & look forward to following!!!

  2. This is great Jen! I think you should start with the guy from Yogurt Mountain going crazy over a gift certificate. I will post my story about the old lady who was so rude to me when I was in private banking. I went out of my way to help her open a few CDs without coming into the bank. I set up everything then sent her a package in the mail with all of the information. I decided to type a nice cover letter with all of the information and by mistake put the wrong end date for one of the CDs. The packet had the official statement with the correct end date, so she called to questions me about the difference, as any normal person would do. Most people would have ask why there was a difference and been relieved to learn that I had simply made a mistake on the cover letter, but for some reason this sent her into a rage. I actually cried when we got off the phone because was so rude to me. Now looking back I realize she was just a mean old lady with nothing better to complain about!
    You should collect the best stories from your past experiences and everyone elses and put them into a book to share. Good luck!

  3. Hey Jen-
    This is a really great idea! Between myself and A, oh the stories we could tell! One of my favorite- I use that word loosely- happened when I worked for a nonprofit in Miss. I had a long standing appointment with one of my volunteers in her hometown, which was about 45-1hr away from the office. When I arrived in the town, I called to get specific directions on where to meet her (as she instructed me to do because I was not familiar with the area). She never answered. So I called again, and again, and again. Still with no answer. Frustrated and tired, I decided to head back to the office. When I was almost back, she called and said she was sorry she could not meet me because she had to go out to the chicken farm and feed her chickens!?!?! Really????
